Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Little Lady of Hell House

So I’d like to delve into the case of the mysterious Little Lady of Hell House.

I’m getting over a case of some sort of bad chest infection or flu or H1N1 or some other sort of dreadful thing (which for whatever reasons, caused me to be on 4 prescribed meds). We had a really rough week, as we had an office move from one building to another, so I had to keep going into work; which also meant a good deal of physical labor. Physically I haven’t been up to par yet since surgery and still have to limit my activity. By the time I would get home in the evenings, I was pretty much comatose. (I say all this to give a full background of the mystery.)

With the stress of the move, and being sick, and being in Hell House in general, my sleep was for naught. So the other night, feeling on the verge of just shutting down completely, I figured I would take an Ambien and force sleep upon me.

I imagine that right now my reader(s) is/are going to chalk all of this up to that little white pill. I guess that would be the easy way to go. However, bear with me on this, and recognize my analytical cognizance for what it is.

Before going to bed that night, I started to fall asleep on the couch, however (and this is sort of backwards from what I recall, vs. the order in which things played out) I typed the following in the midst of some writing that I had been doing: “…I’m just one slip in to sloeep, but imm’ still wring this ,but it feels like I’m on another plane. Strange . like the lam p next to me wat just a real still sort of small lady… just standing there. I was sure of it…”

I’ll reiterate here that I didn’t find what I had written until the following day, and had no recollection of it. (And, NO, I had not been drinking, smoking or taking in anything other than the Ambien!)

At shortly after 2:00 a.m., I woke up. I was quite aware of everything and was angered that the Ambien had started to wear off. I could tell that I would be restless for awhile in attempting to try to get back to sleep, and probably have to put the TV on. I got up and retrieved a glass from my dresser (which I placed there upon going to bed) and got a drink of water from the sink. I recalled placing the glass on the sink and even debating upon its placement there, as I usually will not reuse any glass situated in a bathroom once it is placed down on the surface of the counter. I didn’t think I would need another drink that evening (which would have meant a walk to the kitchen for a new glass, or replacing the glass back on the dresser) so I set the glass down on the counter. (The glass was on the counter in the bathroom the next morning.)

I returned to bed and recall rubbing my feet together 4 times each to make sure no debris follow them into the “foot area” of the sheets. Nothing worse than that feeling of, like, a single crumb or something down there among your feet, and having to go after it and removing it, and then having to search the entire area for any other remnant.

I lay down and felt like it would take awhile to fall asleep, so I laid on my back and sandwiched my head between two pillows; the top one just covering my eyes basically.

Within several minutes I became aware that someone was next to the bed and within seconds of that, the young female had lain down in bed next to me. I scooted over some and rolled over onto my side away from the young lady, making sure she had room and not wanting to invade her space.

I contemplated this after rolling over, and reasoned what was happening. It was not scary. Though I wondered why it wasn’t. I contemplated that I was in the midst of a dream and analyzed that factor for awhile, and came up with the conclusion that I wasn’t asleep or dreaming. This in and of itself was difficult, as my dreams are such that it is not uncommon to have a large amount of control and an ability to think.

So it is here that I also place that element of doubt that may be present. However, usually when in any thought process within my dreams, I also have the ability to recognize that it is a dream and then continue to interact in kind (at least as long as possible. The more control I take within the dream, the more the percentage of becoming fully awake increases.)

I did not physically see anything at any time when the lady entered the bed. I only felt her lie down, and heard the whisper of the bed itself. She did not talk or communicate in any way audible, but I felt everything was ok.

After that I told myself I really needed to try and sleep because my body was wearing out. I also debated falling asleep with this lady next to me, and contemplated getting up to turn the light on and probably just end up scaring away this phantom anomaly. I decided to let things ride out and allowed myself to go back to sleep.

Nothing was present upon my waking the next morning, but I recalled the events that occurred earlier, in explicit order and detail. It was also later that morning that I discovered my writing mentioned previously.

So, though long-winded here. You’ll have to make your own call.

I think I just had an encounter with the Little Lady of Hell House, and she means no harm.


  1. Chilling. I used to see least that is what I hope they were. I have not seen one for a long time though. My dreams are still infested with things quite unnatural. Pornographic too but that is a whole other topic. Kinda on the same subject...did you know that the new age place in LaVale closed up? I was sad when I saw that.

  2. Yeah I noticed that some time back... it's been like over or almost a year now. Sucks really. Don't think they moved anywhere either. Haven't found a good replacement place either. The place in Romney just doesn't cut it either.

  3. Wow...a year...I must be asleep at the wheel...I just noticed it last
    The Bookshelf in Winchester has ok stuff but not the atmosphere.
