Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ahrens, Richard Toms River, NJ: Calling Out

Hey buddy. Where are you? Its been too long man.

I hear you're in Florida somewhere. Figure we need to make some peace and some closure.

Richard Ahrens, a relative from NJ is looking for you. For closure. It'll be a hoot! We can talk about old times!


Come on buddy. Its Easter! (chuckle)... You got immunity! (shit coming outta my nose)


  1. Hi there. I just thought I'd mention that I know Darkgarden and he just wants to be friends. He wants to visit Disney World again with you. You should get a hold of him. He is always saying nice things about you.

  2. Oh! Darkgaren talks about you often. He doesn't want to .223 round into your head. Its really all about the Carousel Of Progress.

  3. Hey, it's your other cousin. Its ok to get a hold of him. He's just going for some closure. He's just wanting to make a new friend.

  4. In the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room, there's no .223 pointing at you! In the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room, no .223 will strike you!

    Come on buddy! Talk to me!
