Saturday, May 7, 2011

I was LOST

I recall several years ago trying to enjoy a series I thought at the time to be my kind of thing. LOST. I started the first few episodes watching, but I couldn't understand what was going on. The rest of the main family (at that time and place... which is a cool thing to say when speaking of LOST) seemed to follow it pretty good, but it took too much thinking on my part and I soon tired out.

So years later, I decided to try again. Mainly thanks to NETFLIX streaming thing where I can watch a shitload of stuff without having to wait for it in the mail. It just streams into my Blu-Ray however it does, and I get to watch episode upon episode.

I just got done investing around 100 hours of LOST viewing to see what everything was about. I enjoyed it actually. Being able to watch episodes back to back helped me understand the flow of the story (though I can't say I understood shit about what was going on at times).

Like a train-wreck you're watching in real time... I viewed the last few hours. Those who know anything about me know I don't watch (try to avoid) anything where a dramatic death of anyone major takes place.

I'm not sure I understand a lot of it, but by the end of LOST, I can now add just a little more trauma to my psyche.

I have a lot of questions, but refuse to revisit what I'm sure are thousands of threads on the matter. I will carry the baggage of LOST's deaths with me as just another weight added to an athletes training pack.

The writers did very good with Hugo and Jack (and I hate that fucking name). Yup... Everyone did love Hugo. However, where most liked Jack... I liked the fact that no matter what, he remained this pathetic, searching guy throughout the entire series. Right up to the end he is the one who still seems out there at sea hanging on a buoyant piece of debris. They chose an actor with the best "What-The-Fuck-Is-Going-On?" look.

Hell, frankly, they did an outstanding job with most of the characters for that matter.

Though I'm not really sure what the fuck I just spent about 100 hours watching, I think it was enjoyable and recommend it to anyone.

Watching it week to week? I can see why I gave up on it and left it to the rest of the family at the time. You miss one viewing or forget something and you're going to be lost. (I took notes from time to time, and asked questions from the ex at times... not that I got any type of relevant answer.)

So... when it comes down to watching FOX and the whole Osama thing, or being LOST, I chose LOST. (...and quite a few nights were spent watching non-stop FOX anyway.)

Back to LOST... I'd like to say who my favorite dude was on the show... However, it sort of just creeps to the group favorites. Hugo, John, Benjamin, Smoke-dude, Jack, et al. Just can't name one. Where I'd like to pick Hugo, I won't because everyone else picks him. So... I'll choose the noise that Smoke-dude makes after he grabs someone and is reeling them in!... It sounds like my brother making his old-car sound with his mouth.

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