Saturday, May 21, 2011

Quantum Zombie Rapture

So I got to wondering with this Rapture business...

Considering Quantum Mechanics... Could the world be ending simultaneously along with creation?

On that thought... If every neutron decided to go rouge for whatever cause at the same time... Would we just blight out in a wink, or would shit get really fucked up n' stuff? Like, all of a sudden instead of playing paddle-ball, you are suddenly a vapor of smoke blowing over the top of a rotting log that also used to be President Eisenhower.

I guess the immediate answer (that came to me anyway) is that there would be no realization whatsoever, and if one were looking from the outside in (which wouldn't be possible I imagine) the existence in front of them would readjust into something probably non-describable here. (I'm guessing any more than we could write a working formula for time travel.)

So I then fall back on the concept of the world ending instantaneously.

See... Now.. If the fucking Rapture would have just come along (especially accompanied by the Blondie song a few minutes ahead of time!) all this would be for naught. I'd be driving around in a really cool vehicle of sorts, shooting the shit out of zombies (no doubt on my way to hook up with Charlie) and loving life. Unfortunately Sis (if not taken up by The Rapture) would have had her head bitten off by some zombie looking like Tom Bombadil in the first half hour while she believed she was tromping off to The Shire.

..and Johnboy... Would live several weeks without even knowing shit was going down... Cause even zombies couldn't find him up on that mountain.

Damn you Rapture!

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