Friday, April 22, 2011

Snowz Birthday... but... This is just a tribute...

What could I possibly give the two dearest things in my life on what is classified and celebrated as such a special day?

I asked myself that very question and pondered on it today. For today is the day before your next birthday.

The number of your years doesn’t really matter. You’re both men now, and yet there is that emotionally attached feeling for you both that will forever remain suspended in a timeless existence.

The date for that matter also doesn’t really matter, for I need no reminder to celebrate your first breath and my first gaze upon you both. I feel these things as an ever present constant in my life; every conscious and alert moment, in the depths of my dreams and deepest slumber.

Every momentous to mundane moment from the first time you entered my life was a pleasure. The bond I see between you is stronger than any living thing I know, and could only compare it to the strength of, like… the hefty Roosevelt Elk, or mighty Sequoia… no… because… those are living… so…wait... Perhaps… Bedrock! Yes. Solid and ageless bedrock … or granite! IRON! Yarrr! All those things! Yes! Mighty dead things that are very strong, but not alive that they would rot away or something like that!

I remember the feeling of tightly wrapping you both in your blankets for nap time. How still you would both lie. You were both most comfortable when you were next to each other … … Even though I’d wrap you both so tight that your faces would turn this really attractive purplish color.

You’ve heard me say it before, and I’ll say it again, (for its hard for me to believe as well) that every diaper I changed (you had to know this was coming) I truly enjoyed the moment. It was the caring and comfort that I could provide you. That simplest of tasks and servitude became an honor. … … … ... and…. There were plenty of other times, tasks and things of servitude that I guess were a little more pleasurable. I’m guessing, like, perhaps the offering of a nice piece of fluffy cake was a little more appealing, or so some would think. So… … … Fluffy cake and the diaper change! They are right up there boy-os!

The years of gaming came on quickly as well. What dear, sweet boyz you both were. Crawling up on the couch to glimpse your first experience with gaming. Sonic, Echo, Mario of course, and within a year… my boyz went hardcore with Resident Evil. What a proud moment. The quest continues. Myus, Syladren, Theabyss! (Oh yeah!) They are all represented here as well. All of Virginia is here on this day… … … wait… … Sorry… Wrong moment.

I’m very proud how you have both been aware and careful to monitor your physical health and stamina. You survived four years at Hampshire High School and came out the other end (which is a very appropriate analogy if I do say so myself) better men. It was an honor to watch you both mature beyond any comprehension I even had of maturity at such an age. Your caring and pleasant nature effects everyone you touch. You have learned and practice compassion, and that my dear boyz is a rare trait indeed.

In the concept of life, you allow yourself to learn something new all the time, and yet retain the ability to teach a wise man a lesson or two. You… are fancy lads.

I figure this is about enough for your reading attention span right about now, and I’m running out of attempted clever lines and other written things.

So, because it is tradition, I say unto you, “Happy Birthday Snow-Boyz!!!” However, I merely shake my head and smile because I cherish and celebrate you both so very deeply with every passing moment, every single day of the year.

I so love you both.

1 comment:

  1. A Stunning portrayal of Love, Pure and Simple.. Thanks for the flashback memory.... Was a GREAT day INDEED! Very well written R..... M.. "L"
