Sunday, August 9, 2009

Nonsense Ramble of Torture, Birds and Death

I have a fire stick which I would remove from the fire. The end would be still smoldering as my bird would hop onto the end; not quite into the burning area, but near it… comforted by the warmth. Then I would gently place the stick back into a smaller fire on a table, and he would always scoot up a bit away from the flames to avoid being burned.

On this one day, perhaps I turned away too long, for as I turned back, realized that my bird was now roasting and … was he dead… OHHHH… The tortured horror… but no… I see him reach up with his claw toward me… reaching for the love of me…. He barely holds on as I pull him up, but he dangles, he has not energy to perch… he’s dying you see… OHHHH… the sickening feeling… I’m looking at him… Can I save him??? Is there possibly any way? OHHHH nooo he’s too charred… How does he still live??? Do I put him out of his misery? The love of my life? How can I do such a thing??!!!

Fuck that… I’m waking up now.

I did… then had to get ready for work.

It was unpleasant.

Just for Sis:

I KNOW you sent bad JU JU bird things at me… It was the hovering bird comments… You went and shot me bad Ju Ju over them! Don’t deny it!!!

Fuckin’ Charles Ingles fuckin’ mom’s dying! Fuckin’ hoverin’ birds and shit… THEN my bird-love is cast into fires at my own hand… and still he reaches out.. I see him now!!!!!! THE HORROR!!!!



  1. She is a survivor. She bears no one ill will. My happy little mutant birdy; my soul-bird; my familiar -- happy little familiar anxious to do my bidding wherever and to whomever I send her. Clever little one-eyed birdy; resourceful little one-eyed birdy; loyal little one-eyed birdy.

  2. OH! OH!! Ok... Is that what you chant to it in the picture above?!!!
