Sunday, March 6, 2011

Leaking? See Whoopi make a bigger ass of herself than The View!

My god.

I just saw a fucking commercial about Whoopi Goldberg's leaky vagina.

Holy shit.

I'm damaged (more), and speechless.

1 comment:

  1. ROFLMFAO!!!!! I have to admit the first time I saw it I was stunned!!!.... thereafter, I changed the channel or hit mute and looked away, or got up to splash water on my face and take an antacid!!... It is, however, somewhat fitting, for her to leak all over us, being the imposing/im"poison"ing/im"poise"ing person, that she is...What else should we expect??,,, perhaps her favorite diarrhea solution?? Now that would be welcomed, might stop some of the "run of the mouth" she suffers from... Here's to the wonderful world of remotes, click!!! and all gone... well,,,, almost all gone, that is a memory gonna be hard to erase............
