Monday, February 15, 2010

Dee Pest Revisited

I went outside today.
Had to dig through feet of snow
And feet of ice.
I cursed and spit
With the thought of it.
Its been there for days
And still falling now.
I noticed the snow
Has been covering cows!

We’re not here for snow.
We’re not here for grief.
We’re not here to discuss
The shoveling off of beef.
Though I often dream of
Why cows are subjected
To their own snow accumulation.

The animal I speak of
Is hallowed and worshiped.
He makes a meal
Into a magical feast!
Its Dee Pest I speak of!
The ultimate beast!

While I dug through the snow
I noticed a path.
Never observed before
I had to laugh.
It looked so inviting
Familiar too.
I heard the singing
So soft and clear
That I knew in my heart
Dee Pest was near!

As I neared the road
The temperature rose.
My coat came off.
I blew my nose.
Foliage became green
I could smell deep grass and
The dusty vanilla of fern.
When Dee Pest calls
Your heart will yearn.

Dee Pest, Dee Pest
That Quality Pork.
Feed you right,
Make you york.
Calling softly
Ignore the cold
Its always perfect
At the home that’s Dee.
If you had a lick of sense
You’d come with me.

The house was there
With steaming vats n’
Feral cats
That kill the rats
By friendly bats
With nary a gnat
How ‘bout that?!
But those cats won’t piss
Or make a fuss.
They smell like flowers
And lick your cuts.
You’ll heal forever
At the home that’s Dee.
You’ll feast like
The most honorable royalty!

I walked inside
The kettle was on.
Steaming stews n’ brews
Intoxicating the senses
Blowing the mind.
The root cellar called
I took a peek.
Heaps of taters n’ veggies
There’s anything you seek.
I returned to the fire
To worship the feast
I knew shortly
I’d be eatin’ the beast.
The beast that’s great
Ain’t no fake.
The quality pork
Pulls apart with a fork.
He cooks himself daily
Over and over again.
Feeding believers and sinners
Suffering and sickening
Killers and blessers
The harmful and meek
All you fuckers line up
For a taste of his meat!

So if you’re out on the road
And see the path
Don’t question, just follow.
You do the math.
Come find Dee Pest
The Quality Pork
Stuff your face,
Then your ass with a cork.
Dee Pest, Dee Pest
He’ll make you full.
Refill your soul with
That quality pork.
The pots always on
The pork’s always ready.
Come and find Dee Pest
Try his combo medley!

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