Monday, January 23, 2012

Countdown sequence...

I thought I'd take a moment and check in with my dear reader(s). Things have been extremely stressful and hectic regarding the opening of the Courthouse Corner Cafe'. If ever there was a food business focused on the correct concerns prior to an opening, it is this one.

Everything has been revolving around keeping the quality as high as absolutely possible, while maintaining an appropriately projected cash flow. Though it often times leads to verbal blows between Sis, Dirt and myself, the balance seems to be working as we all have contributions, views and concerns from different angles. Our skins get thicker and we trudge forward toward the dream.

Tonight has me in a different work-mode. Usually after my regular job in the evenings, I do research, crunch numbers, make orders and generally stress out. Sis has been keeping up with the test-kitchen and recipe side of things, which has been a God-Send! (Can I get a mu-fuckin' GAWD BOMB here?!! Laws yes!) I haven't had to do shit with the testing up to now... This evening, I had to break down my chili recipe, alter it some for regular people to eat (as opposed to those like my brother and I who like a little chili with our helping of hot sauces and spicing), and then ... (AHH!)... write it down.

Yeah! I had to write down how I make chili. Its usually one of those meals that is made different every time... So this was tough for me. (Especially making a mild recipe.) However, it was quickly done, and easier than I thought. It was also a nice break from the regular evening of figures and fretting.

There was an interesting side-incident that took place today that involved the arrival of the commercial Panini grill... It involved burning off the bees wax coating that is on the grill surface. I fired the bad-boy up and it was soon smoking like crazy. It was smoking like... well... like a commercial Panini grill with a shit load of bees wax on it.

Now not having a venting system... The entire cafe was soon engulfed in its own fog. I guess, in retrospect, after reading this as I type it, its really not that interesting. It was, however, GAWD awful funny at the time. Especially watching Sis and Dirt try to concentrate on a food order while I pranced around the cafe ever filling with fumes.

So, here we are, with about a week to go before the opening.

I feel I shall pee myself.

Can a brutha' get a mu-fuckin' Gawd-Bomb for peeing himself?! Laws yes!

Naa... No pics today... Gotta go play w. my chili now... So... Go on...


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Licenses! Paperwork! ... Those sudden zoning costs!!!

I've read a couple books, talked to people, did a large amount of online research in order to prepare for the current adventure I'm sort of chronicling here.

The latest surprise was my quote for a monthly fee from the accountant.

$500.00 - per month.

Yeah. It even deserved its own paragraph. It is times such as that when one realizes the meaning of cliches such as "falling out of his chair" and "like a strike to the head" and the growing line, "He fell dead right there in front of the lady who just told him $500.00 per month."

It is at these sickening (for they truly are gut-wrenching, sickening moments) times that I wonder and become amazed at how perfectly and thoroughly the government and supporting businesses (undoubtedly driven by the same operation costs) suck you as dry as humanly possible as you try to succeed.

As one may view their journal, I hope to some day look or think back to this entry, and realize how silly I was being, or how weak I was. I've surpassed points where in the past I would have fled back into comfort, but I feel out of my element and quite defensive. (Yes, more than I usually am.)

Now this is strange too, as I think I'm on the verge of discovering (perhaps rediscovering is the correct word) what a positive attitude and approach to things is like, even in the face of anything to the contrary. I'm not there yet, and at times I feel it pulling my fucking head apart, but there is something happening upstairs in the noodle factory.

So with all that in mind (as I hadn't planned on rambling about my head), I now turn back toward those sudden accounting fees. I gave a shout out to Sis who should be able to take care of most of the accounting, and feel a little more comfortable that some medium ground can be had, and that the business will not have to fork out that ridiculous amount each month. A business that only has, really, one full time fucking employee, and that person is my sister, the co-owner! COME ONNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!

So I should be heading over to the cafe' shortly to meet up w. Sis and Dirt to do some more work on the place. I think I enjoy those times most. When I can just do some work and see something physical getting done, instead of writing checks and filling out forms and not seeing a goddamn thing for it.

So here was are reader(s). We're in the waning days before an actual opening. Things are starting to move quickly. Stress is rising as is some excitement. I will try to keep you (all) posted on the progression.

...K... ... ... go-on...

Piss off.