Friday, February 18, 2011

What does THIS mean?!!!

As you know, the past few days have been busy up at Hell House. There's been a lot of turmoil out in the back yard. I had been hearing rumors from The Voice Of Morgan Freeman that Hosni Mubarak might have showed up in the back yard, but couldn't confirm it.
There's been a strong smell of shit, cumin and lamb coming from the back yard and woods the past few days. There's been periods during the night when I swore I've also heard some sort of chanting. I'm sure I'll know more this weekend.

However.... This morning... delicately positioned upon my outside deck table.... the following picture. America. I, for one, am scared.

Somebody get me Beck on the phone! NOW!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New To The "Back Yard!" Caliphate!

Vibes, karma and all that partying with tea... It can lead to shit, ya know?

Somehow, in all the insanity up here at Hell-House... It seems I now have a Caliphate organizing out in the woods behind the house.

I don't know what's going on out there, but last night Billy Zane is banging on my window wanting to talk. Scared the shit outta me! I yelled at him, "Go away Billy Zane! Get away from my window! Ya hear?!!" This went on for a few minutes. He'd keep knocking and I'd keep yelling at him to get back in the woods. Finally he seemed to realize I wouldn't talk to him at 3 in the morning and he went away sulking toward the back yard.

So this morning I'm trying to get to work, and there he is waiting on me. He started ranting about the Caliphate being out in woods out back and they're all worked up and causing unrest, plus they're running out of room and stuff... I had to break him off. (I HAD to get to work! I didn't have time for his antics. Come on! You know how he gets.)

So I quickly met with The Voice Of Morgan Freeman who was contentedly in place, who did firmly relate that there was indeed a Caliphate gathering, but not to worry, and everything was fine.

I just don't know... I headed off to work... Billy Zane took off running toward the populous... and I had to go to work. Life goes on right?